Huntingdonshire Fencing Club

Write a catchy title...
January 01, 2020
What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Club closed until further notice
April 25, 2020
Due to the ongoing advice from the government and BF we have decided to close the club until it is safe to reopen. Members will be updated by email and here as to when the club shall reopen.

Club closed until end of April
March 17, 2020
Due to the change of advice from the government and BF we have decided to close the club until the end of April when it will be reviewed and you will be updated by email and here as to when the club shall reopen.

Ken Kingham: In Memoriam
March 07, 2019
I am very sorry and sad to advise you that Ken Kingham passed away on Saturday the 2nd March 19.
Ken was a very enthusiastic fencer and fencing coach.
He was the club coach for Swavesey Fencing club as well as Huntingdonshire in the 1980`s
He was also County Captain in the early 1980`s
Ken was my coach nearly all the way the the 80`s but we would also fence against each other at the club.
There was many a good tussle on club nights at sabre, in those days you could fleche at sabre plus it was long before electric sabre came about.
Happy memory`s.
Ken decided to involve himself in coaching in a big way and changed the face of young peoples fencing in Cambridge.
He started many fencing clubs in schools, 6th form colleges and village colleges in & around Cambridge.
Some that I remember, Parkside, Longroad, Perse, Leys, Comberton, Cambridge Cadets Escrime, Kings Ely & Bottisham.
With sadness
Mike Ellis

HFC 40th Anniversary Party!
September 28, 2018
Huntingdonshire Fencing Club is celebrating it's 40th year and we are having event in St.Ives, Cambs with a hot buffet and band on the 2nd November 2018.
All current and past members are invited to join us in celebrating, partners and children are welcome also.
We also hope friends and members from other local clubs will also join us to celebrate 40 years of fencing, friendships and having fun hitting people with swords!
To get your tickets and for more info please contact:

BF Awards - 'Referee of the Year' - Mike Ellis
September 07, 2018
Mike Ellis our head coach and treasurer has won British Fencing's 'Referee of The Year' Award.
Congratulations Mike!

Mike Ellis Nominated for 'Referee of the year' and a 'Lifetime Achievement Award'
September 05, 2018
Mike Ellis our Head Coach has been nominated and is a finalist for the second year running for the 'Referee of the year' award and a 'Lifetime Achievement' award at this years British Fencing Awards.
I'm sure we all wish to congratulate him on these nominations and wish him luck at the British Fencing Awards dinner where they announce the winners.

Upcoming Rule Changes
August 31, 2016
To all HFC fencers.
Just a reminder of the changes to the rules coming in to effect on the 1st September 2016.
See attached page 28 onwards. Changes to rules document.
From the 1st Sept 2016.
t18.5 add a second para and t120.1.19
They have brought back the reversing of shoulders rule for foil.
m27.3 & m32.4
Coiled mask wires not allowed.
Must be white or clear and 30 to 40 cm long
The following could be a big problem as it will require a change to box timings at sabre.
m.annexe B section C, sabre, para 8
After a hit is sored a subsequent hit made by the other fencer will only be registered if it occurs with in a max of – changed from 120 milliseconds to 170 milliseconds.
The following is a statement just issued by the BFA
The FIE are introducing new timings for sabre for the 2016/17 season, with the new block-out time increasing to 170 milli-seconds from 120 milli-seconds. Further information about the new timings is available at
It is the intention that all domestic events should also operate under the new timings for the 2016/17 season in line with the FIE (from 1st September 2016 onwards) so we wanted to alert coaches to this so they can put plans in place for the new season. You should contact your equipment manufacturer to confirm how you can go about getting your boxes updated to the new T2016 timings, and what the timescales for this will be. An email has also been sent to organisers of competitions involving sabre taking place after 1st September.
If you have any queries, please contact Katie Rhodes (
HFC are already in discussion with Leon Paul about changing the timing for our club boxes.
We have 8 boxes that would need to be changed and this could cost the club around £400.00
Mike Ellis

Silvia Brown Qualifies for World Championships, European Championships and Home Nations!
March 04, 2016
Silvia Brown has qualified to represent Great Britain at the World Championships in Germany in October, represent GB at the European Team event in Medway in May, and England in the Home Nations competition in Durham next month!

Fencing demonstration and taster at Hinchingbrooke Park
July 25, 2015
The club offered members of the public a chance to have a go at fencing and find out more about the club. There were also demonstrations by club members.

Club members in new club clothing
December 05, 2014
In 2015 the clubs team clothing underwent an update. The dark green sweatshirts are replaced with a bright green and the logo and back design updated. These are available in a range of sizes and styles.
See Tracey Coates if you want to order something.